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Lake Erie Islands Conservancy Fall Newsletter Here!

Below is our fall newsletter to enjoy! The print version will be in the mail soon. Thanks to editor Michelle Pennington and AdWriter printer of Sandusky. 

Take special note of our big fall events on September 18! We will dedicate the Duff Woods Preserve with our partners the Put-in-Bay Township Park District at 2:00pm with a reception and our Conservancy annual meeting following at Heineman’s Winery. RSVP at contact info below.
 Page 3 has information on our Milkweed Sale-delivery is this Saturday so get your orders in now if you want some for your island yard. Sale is by Riverside Native Trees to benefit the Conservancy.
Check out the fall nature articles by board member Paula Ziebarth on fall webworms, chimney swifts, and preserve nest box reports.  Be sure to visit the bird banding stations on South Bass and Middle Bass this fall with Tom and Paula Bartlett-see schedule on page 14!
Enjoy fall on the island-the concord grapes are smelling wonderful, monarchs are coming through, cormorants and pelicans on the move!
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