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AmeriCorps Intern for 2014

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The past three years the LEIC-BSC has either funded or shared an AmeriCorps intern for ten weeks in the summer. Having a college intern has helped us accomplish needed projects during the busy summer season. We have been lucky to have Carmen Levand, Leah Bilski, and Colleen O’Brien as interns in the past. They have helped organize volunteers to mulch trails, pull garlic mustard, and clean up our preserves. They have helped monitor our purple martin and tree swallow boxes, create maps, write grants, help with Nature Camp, and other programs.


We would like to fund a position for this summer as well. The cost to our Conservancy is $4,000 for the ten weeks of work. The intern gets a weekly stipend as well as an educational award to be used toward loans or tuition.The program is run through the Southwest Conservation Corps Environmental Steward Program.


We are looking for donations or pledges toward hiring an intern for the summer 2014. Attached is a pledge form you can use to help us out! We have someone already interested in the position for the islands.


Here are some images of our past interns at work!

AmeriCorps Intern pledge IMG_1335

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